

Let's talk about what BLESS means. BLESS is an easy-to-remember acronym that makes reaching others for Christ a bit more simple. The BLESS Challenge is a monthly challenge with practical ideas to help us move down the BLESS path.

  • B - Begin with prayer. Pray and ask God to open doors and provide opportunities to begin forming relationships with your neighbors.
  • L - Listen. Listen to their stories, learn more about them, and work at building connections.
  • E - Eat. Share a meal with your neighbors. We all can think of a time someone made us feel welcomed and valued, simply by providing dinner.
  • S - Serve. Maybe you've heard the phrase, "See a need, meet a need." Make a habit of noticing your neighbors needs and helping where you can.
  • S - Share your story. After putting in the leg work to build a relationship, now is the time to share what God has done in your life and what Jesus means to you.

While impacting others with the Gospel doesn't always follow a nice, linear path, leading others to Christ doesn't need to be complicated. We like to use BLESS as a place to start.


January starts off with B - Begin with prayer. This month the Challenge is Find Your Focus.


L - Listen. Listen for the needs of others and for where God is at work. February's challenge is to Break the Ice.

February Bless Challenge


E- Eat. Eat meals and spend intentional time with people. March's challenge is to Engage with Easter.

February Bless Challenge


S - Serve. serve other people's needs and offer to help them in practical ways. April and May challenges are to Get Outside (your comfort zone)


L - Listen. Listen for the needs of others and for where God is at work. June-August challenges are to Hear Their Story.


S - Share. Share the story of Jesus and what He's doing in our lives. September and October challenges are to Share Your Story.


Begin with prayer - Listen for the needs of others - Eat meals and spend time with people - Serve other people's needs -
Share the story of Jesus and what He's doing in our lives!