We Care Warsaw
An annual WL community ministry to help meet the needs of our neighbors, typically held on a Saturday afternoon in November.
Started in 2008, this annual community event has been attended by over 1,000 guests that WL blesses in tangible ways with complimentary acts of kindness such as haircuts, family photos, manicures, and make-up stations, a bag of groceries, laundry detergent, a full-course turkey meal, Christmas Gift Store with free Christmas wrapping; a Kid Zone with numerous activities, and door prizes of over $3,000 in gift cards. A Prayer Tent is also provided to encourage guests.
In addition, other community agencies participate with an information table to communicate how they can help our guests year-round. Also, includedd are several free health screenings provided by a local health agency.
Contact Pastor Dave – drank@wlgrace.com
Opportunities for over 300 WL people to serve and ways to provide donations are communicated throughout the month of September and October leading up to the November event.